About GEN·H
Genetic Engineering Heidelberg GmbH
After 17 years and more than 800 successful DNA engineering projects, the Service Unit of Gene Bridges GmbH was transformed into an independent company by a management buy-out with the effective date January 1st 2020.
The company continues to operate from the Technology Park in Heidelberg, Germany, close to the well-known wine area, “Bergstrasse, Odenwald”. The Technology Park provides an excellent network for innovation.
Gen-H’s team of scientists has extensive experience in Genetic Engineering, gained through daily application of Red/ET recombination (also known as Recombineering). This technology, originally developed at the EMBL in Heidelberg, allows precise, scarless modification of DNA. Gen-H uses this technology to generate complex targeting constructs for animal models, as well as for custom modification of the E. coli chromosome, e.g. for pathway engineering.
Gen-H offers its expertise to academic and industrial clients for fee-for-service projects. Our portfolio encompasses the assembly of all types of constructs for animal models, such as complex BAC-based targeting constructs for large humanizations. It further comprises the direct modification of the E. coli chromosome. We draw on extensive experience, gained through successful completion of challenging modifications, such as the insertion of large operons or the insertion of point mutations in essential genes.
The service team consists of highly skilled technicians and scientists with extensive knowledge in molecular and microbiological techniques, mouse genetics, transgene strategies, biochemistry, metabolic engineering and “white” biotechnology.
Genetic Engineering Made in Germany
How to find us
Gen-H Genetic Engineering Heidelberg GmbH
Im Neuenheimer Feld 584
69120 Heidelberg